Sunday, 31 August 2008

The Thin Line Between Love And Hate Mail

Since starting this blog some two months ago, and in the wake of the two failed podcasts, I have noticed I have been the recipient of the type of mail Heather Mills has been used to reading. So just to show that your kind words have not gone unrecognised, here are a few choice cuts from my loyal fans. Maybe I should use them as advertising like Universal Pictures or Paramount put across their film posters to attract potential cinemagoers.

This from Anonymous: "Yor a Big Pratt"

Thank you, Anonymous. But Anonymous gets about a bit since he's also accused me of being "sick", "a wanker", and that C word which my Mum taught me never to say when the Vicar was in earshot, even though I distinctly heard him say once "And now, hymn number 73: All Things Bright and Beautiful, you cunts." A few days ago Anonymous popped up and informed me that I was a Royal one.

"You Suck!" so says the curiously named Onezed. Yes, Onezed, I do. I also nibble, nuzzle and lick.

Dick The Christian (which is less a name, more of a pastime) asked why on earth I wanted to tell people about my sexual antics. For entertainment, Dick, for entertainment. Now fuck off!

Geoff's Blog: Keeping it up as often as I can.

Sexual Geoff Prickett
From Wales With Love

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